Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Your Life Is Worth More Than A Suicide #donotcommitsuicide / ANAM NAVEED TANOLI

Before coming to my point i want to tell you guys one thing that " It's not just your life, It's your mother's hope, your father's support and Allah's soul "

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I want you guys to listen to me and read this, i know it's not a fun topic but yeah very important for the narrow minded society. The  80% reason behind suicide is poor grades in schools or colleges. These days people think that life is all about one opportunity... Dude are you serious? You must  be thinking  that there is one opportunity if you get it that will be good but if you failed to catch that opportunity you are a failure. RIGHT? . Take a second and think about this again. OK no it's not like this, you considering this one opportunity failure is  the biggest failure of your life. And that's where you are making a mistake. Now imagine yourself batting in a cricket ground and the bowler in front of you bowling at you and he bowled  and you missed the shot. what now? will you commit suicide or will you stand there and face the next ball?. Obviously you will stand there and face the next ball because you don't have any option right. So this is life, you are batting and in front of you is life throwing opportunities at you, don't worry  if you missed one opportunity , there is thousands opportunities will come , keep practicing because from those thousands i am sure, i am dead sure   you will get one. May be the opportunity you missed was not good or suitable for you.  See Suicide is not always an option, you know what's the option is next chance.
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I want you to know  that, no matter where you are in life, no matter how low you ave sunk, no matter how bleak your situation remember one thing in your mind that THIS IS NOT THE END.This is not the end of your story. this is not the final chapter of your life . I know it may be hard right now for you guys but if you just hang in there, stick it out and stay with me for a little while, you will find that this tough moment will pass and if you are committed to using this pain, using it to build your character , finding a greater meaning for the pain , you will find that in time. You know you have the power to turn your life around and help others going through the same struggles. The world is right now in the middle of a mental health crisis, it is estimated almost half the population suffers from depression at some stage throughout their life, rather than joining the queue of suicide victims. It is important we learn why we get down and then how we can change it. Because believe it or not, we create our own negative feelings and we can also ensure that we turn our lives around and be a positive change for others. You think after committing suicide you will straight go to Heaven no, because Allah hate those who commit suicide and he will put you in hell Wallah, he'll be angry in the end you know why   because  he gave you life , he gave you what you can't even dream of. You think people around you giving you hard times no it's Allah who is testing you to prepare you for the next life. And be the person who can easily get over those test and win every thing.  Suicides are just for CRIMINALS not for every tiny soul. The reason anyone gets depressed always comes down the consistent thoughts we think and the consistent belief we hold , the point here is that anyone that is depressed is so, because there is an external factor that didn't materialize in their life  they have lost something outside of their control or don't have something that is out of their control.  

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In school, we are taught how to get a job but no one teaches how to live in a state of happiness. no one teaches us how important our conscious and unconscious thoughts and association are. I wanna ask you guys one important question.


And before you say happiness won't pay my bills remember happiness will pay your bills, when you realize you will be 10 times more energized, focused and take positive action in your life.

Now i wanna  talk about the recent victim of suicidal act ANAM NAVEED TANOLI  Pakistani model. 

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This is for the BULLIES, guys never ever say anything to someone else your words can take someones life away. Hurting someone with words  is also a crime but the punishment of this life either you'll get here if not here but in the end Allah will question you for this. Never make fun of anyone's skin color or any body part it doesn't matter how educated you are but if you make fun of others and hurt them sorry for me you are still a kinder garden student.

stand with me and use #donotcommitsuicide


Happiness Is A Problem

About twenty-five hundred years ago, in the Himalayan foothills of present-day Nepal, there lived in a great palace a king who ...