Tuesday, 14 August 2018

How To Start Your Day With POSITIVE Energy.

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Listen! every morning when we wake up, we need to empty out anything negative from the day before like somebody offended you at work, they didn't treat you right, you know it''s easy to let that offence stay, feels good to carry around a grudge. Do you have to be disciplined? say no to this thing, say to yourself  that , i am nit giving this offence any room and i am nit going to let it sour my day.
Get up in the morning and invite good things into your life. i am blessed. i am strong. i am talented. i am disciplined. i am focused i am prosperous. Take inventory of what your giving space to. Life is too short to go through it with negative things holding us down. When you wake up in the morning say, thank you for grace, thank you for mercy, thank you for understanding , thank you for wisdom , thank you for parents , thank you for love, thank you for kindness say thank you in advance for what's already  yours.


We all  have negative emotions, negative feelings do you have to make the choice?i am not going to give this jealousy this bitterness this anger valuable space and let it poison my life  but  i am going to protect what i allow in me. Who follows these two simple words "I AM " will determine what kind of life you live. Every day on the right side of the grass is a good day get up get excited be happy and remember discipline is a the gateway to freedom. The im's  that are coming out of your mouth will bring either success or failure because universe can only respond to what you believe about yourself and about life. All through the day the power of i am is it worth we all make a mistakes , i am so clumsy we look in the mirror, i am so old , we see somebody very talented, i am so average we get caught in traffic , i am so unlucky, you getting it  whta i am trying to say is many times we use the power of I AM  against us we don't realize how it is affecting our future. Here is the fact what follows the iam will always come looking for you, you get too choose what follows the i am. When you go through the day saying i am blessed guess what blessings come looking for  you. I am talented , talent comes looking for you you may not feel up to par  but when you say i am healthy health starts hitting your way. i am strong, strength starts tracking you down  you are invitng things into your life. That's why you have to  be careful. what follows the i am. The time to enjoy yourself is in the  now you are trying to get to that next level it is your right to enjoy yourself  and now you are probably thinking that some of you might be saying you know what Raza  that makes sense okay., make a choice enjoy myself, but how do you get to enjoy  yourself when you are trying everything? You are implementing all the tools and all the information you got but it is just not working........ TO BE CONTINUED

Happiness Is A Problem

About twenty-five hundred years ago, in the Himalayan foothills of present-day Nepal, there lived in a great palace a king who ...