Thursday, 23 August 2018

Story Of The Ugly Man ( Islamic Story)

Image result for story of an ugly man


Well i was reading a  book named "  PROPHET HOOD" and there was a story written in that book so i thought why not to share that story with you guys. I now bring you to the story , that really moves my heart the most. He is a man , who was poor,  not only was he poor, he was a person who was ery unattractive, in fact the Scholars or the Sahabas used to describe him as hideous, if a person looks at him, just wants to look away so this man Allah (SWT) created him this way, poor not status in society and hideous and even his name was ugly, we are not meant to say that SAHABAS are ugly (i seek refuge in Allah), they are beautiful but the name he had was an unattractive name his name was JULAYBEEB (RA).This hadith is in Sahih Muslim and part of it is in also, AT-TIRMIDHI which is completely authentic Prophet (PBUH) saw Julaybeeb one day and he had older in age, he said to him, how are you Julaybeeb. That was such the case of Prophet (PBUH) How are you julaybeeb? and he answered Ya Prophet (PBUH) Do you think the only women i will get is in Jannah ? Prophet (PBUH) understood what he was trying to say  that he is never going to be able to get married in this life, is he just gonna die and just hope to meet HOOR AL AYN? Prophet (PBUH) said NO, you are going to get a women from dunyah InshaAllah and also from the akhira in other words i would have said, No 
HOOR AT TYN AND HOOR AL AYN InshaAllah. Hoor At Tyn means soil and the people around them laugh and they laughed very hard. SO, Prophet (PBUH) said, Julaybeeb, go to so and so house and ask, they have a daughter. He went and they rejected him so Prophet (PBUH) came to  this man  and said to him,I want to ask for your daughter's hand , he was so shocked and said what a beautiful news this is, that makes the eyes enlighten the heart, SubhanAllah. Prophet said no, no it is not for me and he said who for then? he said for Julaybeeb and suddenly his smile turned into a frown  and he said, let me ask her mother so he went home and said Prophet (PBUH) asked for our daughter , she was so excited and said what great honor! what brings comfort to the eyes and to the heart and he said not for Prophet then she said who for? He said, for Julaybeeb and then the mother said we had better men than him coming and asking for our daughter and we rejected him, we had greater families asking for her and we refused them and now the lowest of the low in society and the most hideous , we have to give our daughter to him? she said NO , please. There daughter was in the background inside listening so she came out and said, what is this that i heard mom and dad? Prophet(PBUH) is on behalf of another man proposing that man to me and you say no to Prophet? daughter said Wallahi i will not refuse the request of Prophet (PBUH) and Julaybeeb is the only man  i will marry. When the news came to Julaybeeb, he was so rejoiceful MashaAllah and Prophet /(PBUH) got  the companions to look after him and donate so that he can get married time passed and there was one of the battles then Julaybeeb was among the people who went into that battles Prophet (PBUH) was there and the battle hadled was victorious to the Muslims and then he went out as he usually does and looks among  the Sahabas, they were great Sahabas who died and he is asking everybody's asking about their relatives but Prophet (PBUH) was asking one question, Where is my Julaybeeb?and everybody would say we don't know nobody cares about Julaybeeb only Prophet cares about JUlaybeeb. Where is my Julaybeeb? so he went looking for him and a midst the dead people he finally found Julaybeeb (RA), dead on the ground and around him as a circle, there was seven of the enemies dead around him  and when the Prophet saw this image , he stared at hum and his eyes flowed with tears. He said , he killed seven of the enemies of Islam and then he was killed Julaybeeb is of me and i of him and he repeated this three times and said he is one of my family and i am one of  his family then Julaybeeb had no other bed excepts the bed of the palms of and he carried him on his own forearms and he was crying then suddenly his tears turned into a smile  and he looked away  and Julaybeeb with his own blessed hands then people around him asked why are you crying and smile  and then he said Allah showed  =me his place in JANNAH  i saw his soul in Jannah and there was one of his wives from the hoor  running towards him so i smiled that he finally got his wife which he wanted in jannah.

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